Having been dissatisfied with the way
The Pterosaur Database represented the families and species of pterosaurs, I have just completed a re-structuring of the web pages. This is a job in progress, but it should be a little easier to find things. Previously, the pterosaurs were arranged and listed by geological age. This format is still available, but now they are also listed by classification as family groups. This includes time lines for each family extent.

The taxonomic list is based loosely on David Unwins classification, with a few alterations to accommodate some of the more recent ideas. It is not possible to please everyone when a classification structure is produced, and that is why I did not do this before. In reality, the analysis of characteristics that leads to a taxonomic structure is quite fluid. Structures may change over time, or be interpreted differently by different researchers, so these pages need to be viewed as useful, but not exclusive.

The geological age listing is a little more helpful as I have included continental maps to give an idea of the land masses at different tectonic ages.
At a later date, I intend to update individual pterosaur species pages and endevour to obtain photographs of fossils to add to the text only pages. I would also like to add a world distribution map for each family, but that will take a little more time.
Criticism and recommendations are welcome. If anyone wants to send in photographs, they will be appreciated and credited accordingly.